- Harmonics Harmonics in Astrology Addey, John Cambridge Circle Ltd. Medical The Discrimination of Birth Types Addey, John Cambridge Circle Ltd. 1976 Signs Sagittaire Apostolska, Aline Editiones Dangles 1994 Psychological AstrologyAstrology, Psychology and the Four ElementsArroyo, Stephen CRCS Publications 1975.
- All of the above harmonics are somewhat impersonal in the sense that they have little to do with personal and imme-diate needs but rather are concerned with stories of our lives and how these stories can be re-configured or lived out in various ways. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In harmonic astrology an aspect is viewed as a fraction of a circle.
- HARMONICS IN ASTROLOGY An Introductory Textbook to the New Understanding of an Old Science By John M. Re-edited by Chistabo, A.D.
- 2nd Harmonic In Astrology
- Vedic Astrology Pdf
- Harmonic Vibrations In Astrology
- Harmonics In Astrology Pdf Book
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In d'Esperey's 4th Harmonic Chart, there is a Grand Trine between the Sun, Mars, and Pluto, a perfect aspect pattern for a soldier.A Moon/Venus conjunction sextiles the Sun and Pluto and opposes Mars, making for a Kite formation. Here is someone who had an emotional need (the Moon) for action and violence (Moon/Mars) and got a lot of pleasure from it (Moon/Venus). Share & Embed 'Harmonics In Astrology: An Introductory Textbook to the New Understanding of an Old Science' Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed.
Ever since version 5, the AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter software has been able to calculate and display both modulus and harmonic charts, where the new planet positions are wave-multiples of their first-harmonic positions, and from the Chart Information screen's Display menu enable the user to display for such charts the graphic chartwheel, aspects list, angles list, planet strengths, midpoints, midpoint/planet aspects, sensitive points, sensitive point/planet aspects, planets/houses aspects, and text table of planet and house positions.
Now, version 8.3.1 of AstrolDeluxe expands the toolset for doing harmonic chart research and calculations.
You now have the ability to find saved charts with aspects in different harmonics other than the first or radical chart harmonic. This feature is now at Options, Research Charts, Search Two, By Aspect. The new feature says 'Search in a Chart Harmonic of' followed by a listbox where the first and default setting is 1 = Normal, but the user can select or enter other harmonic numbers.
The inspiration for this feature was Chapter 11, 'Dodekatemoria: An Ancient Technique Reexamined', in Robert Hand's 1982 book, Essays on Astrology. Robert Hand's 1982 essay sees one type of the ancient dodekatemoria positions of the planets as being the same as the modern 13th harmonic. In Mr. Hand's 13th harmonic chart, Mercury conjoins Uranus, which could explain his attraction to astrology and computers, while Venus squares Neptune and the Sun trines Saturn, perhaps giving the combination of insight and scholarship for which he is known.

The new search feature allows the program user to set the Harmonic to any number, including 13, and search the 5113 Famous Charts for Mercury conjunct Uranus, which yields 62 results, and then search for Sun trine Saturn which narrows it down to three men - Robert Hand, actor Ian McKellen (Gandalf the Wizard), and jazz composer Thelonius Monk. All three project the image of bearded wise man. We would not know that they have anything in common if we did not look at the 13th harmonic aspects. Every chart must be looked at as a whole, but it can be instructive to compare people who have major aspects in common.
In the screen shown above, you can also put a check in the box '1st planet is Natal, 2nd planet is Harmonic'. This lets you research and have the program find charts with specific contacts between harmonic planets and natal planets. Mr. Hand's essay discusses how Eleanor Roosevelt had natal Saturn conjunct 13th harmonic Pluto. The new tool enables you to find other charts with this natal to harmonic contact.
On the Search One tab, the By House search adds 'Using natal houses, search in chart harmonic of ' with a listbox to select the desired harmonic for the specified planet. You may, for example, want to find all charts that have a 13th harmonic Uranus in the natal 2nd house - after selecting Uranus in the 2nd House, just change the harmonic from the default value of 1 = Normal to 13 and click the search button with the binoculars. When using a 3.00 degree House Advance Orb, the Famous Charts collection will show 237 records, including Bill Gates. If you double-click on Bill Gates it does not show Uranus in the natal 2nd house, but if you select Display, Harmonic/Modulus Charts and select 13 and Harmonic and Okay, it will display the chart in the 13th Harmonic Zodiac and if you then click File and Compare Harmonic Chart to Natal Chart, then you will see the 13th Harmonic Uranus in the natal 2nd house where it conjoins the close natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and squares the harmonic Midheaven.
First of all, previous program versions in the Aspects List only showed conjunction aspects, regardless of whether it was a Modulus chart or a Harmonic chart. The new version shows all types of aspects between the planets of a Harmonic-type chart, and it uses the wide orbs allowed for natal charts. After you click on Aspects List for a Harmonic-type chart, you can click Sort by Orbs at the bottom, which will let you see which are the harmonic chart's most exact aspects.
The Aspects List still shows just the conjunction aspects between the planets of a Modulus-type chart and it uses the narrow conjunction aspect orbs that are defined at Customization, Aspect Orbs for midpoints.
The reason for treating Modulus-type charts and Harmonic-type charts differently is because modulus charts cut the 360-degree wheel down to just the initial segment defined by the modulus, such as the 90-degree dial (that results from a modulus of 4) only extending from 0 Aries to 30 Gemini. Harmonic charts, on the other hand, keep the 360-degree wheel because their positions result from multiplying the radical positions by the harmonic number - if the resulting positions exceed 360 degrees then any excess multiples of 360 are discarded.
After you display a Harmonic chart (but not a Modulus chart), you will now have a choice on the File menu - Compare Harmonic Chart to Natal Chart. This is consistent with what Robert Hand does in Chapter 11 of Essays on Astrology where he inserts the 13th harmonic planets around natal charts for himself, Richard Nixon, and Eleanor Roosevelt and notes the aspects formed to the natal planets. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt's natal Saturn in the Seventh House conjoins her 13th harmonic Pluto. My wife's natal Jupiter in the Seventh House conjoins her 13th harmonic Uranus. Apparently, Seventh House interharmonic aspects can describe the spouse.
After you have the biwheel of harmonic to natal, you can select Display, Synastry to see and sort the interaspects. Or, you can double-click once on a harmonic planet to see its harmonic chart aspects and double-click a second time to see its aspects to the natal planets. Also, the File menu choice will say Compare to Third Chart, which would let you click on the Here and Now button and Calculate in order to see the transits to both the inner natal chart and the middle harmonic chart from an outer third wheel.

In his dodekatemoria essay, Robert Hand may concentrate on the 13th Harmonic, but it is a good idea to examine all the major harmonics. On page 114 of his 1976 book Harmonics in Astrology, John Addey says, 'there lies concealed within the natal map an endless series of sub-charts, each with its own range of symbolic content and application.' You can generate, examine, and compare charts based on other Harmonic numbers besides the 13th. On page 265 of his 1983 book Harmonic Charts, David Hamblin says that he regularly looks at what he calls the H4, H5, H7,and H9. Mr. Hamblin then says that his priority for looking at additional harmonics would be H11, H3, H13, H16, H12 and H25. Be aware that it is not valid to compare the planets of one harmonic to the planets of a different harmonic, so there is no facility to separately save the calculated harmonic charts, although you can print or save their images. The harmonic charts in which many planets are closely linked should be the active charts with which the native most resonates, as opposed to the harmonics that show little pattern. With version 8.3, AstrolDeluxe gives you the tools that you need to discover which are the effective harmonic charts.
Seventh and Fifth Harmonic Charts
Actress Demi Moore appears to have a very active Seventh Harmonic chart. But it seems to me that if a chart is valid and active, it should respond to transits (major events for couples with known birth-times correlate very well with composite chart transits). By first looking at the transits to Demi Moore's harmonic charts when she started dating Bruce Willis in September 1987, whom she married and with whom she had three children, and then looking at the transits to her harmonic charts when she started dating Ashton Kutcher in May 2003, I have determined that her 7th Harmonic chart was active during the relationship with Bruce and her 5th Harmonic chart was active during her relationship with Ashton. Astrologers from India call the D7 'divisional chart' Saptamsa - it correlates with children and progeny. They call the D5 chart Panchamsa - variously correlated with fame, power, authority, intelligence, and creativity. Here are the two charts:
During her D7 period with Bruce Willis, Demi was channeling more the Seventh Harmonic sub-chart in which she bore and raised her three daughters. This sub-chart has Venus and Jupiter conjunct the 7th house cusp of legal partnership - she has the ability to connect with good partners. But this sub-chart has challenging aspects also, such as Moon conjunct Saturn in the 12th house opposing natal Uranus and Pluto and the 7th harmonic Sun. Elements of her childhood were difficult. Favorably, 7th harmonic Mars in the physical 8th house trines the Moon and Saturn and conjoins natal Neptune, the planet of the movie industry - she can project that active physical energy and is comfortable having her body photographed.
During her D5 period with Ashton Kutcher, Demi was channeling more the Fifth Harmonic sub-chart during which she studied Kabbalah, socialized with friends, and promoted a charity against child sexual slavery. This sub-chart has Mars in the 11th house of friends trine Venus in the 3rd house and square to the 8th house Jupiter that aspects almost every planet in the natal chart, including the 8th house Sun and Neptune. A tight conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the 4th house of the home indicates difficult home conditions, seriousness, and a capacity for self-renewal.
The transiting aspects to these two different harmonic sub-charts at the times when Demi started dating the two men confirm that a person can switch from channeling one harmonic at one time to channeling another harmonic at another time.
Ninth Harmonic Chart

I find the Ninth Harmonic to be strong in the chart for athlete, businessman, sports commentator, and philanthropist Earvin 'Magic' Johnson. In Harmonic Charts, Hamblin says that the H9 chart 'shows the person's capacity to spread joy and happiness to those around him.' (p. 81). 'In the deepest sense, the ninth harmonic is to do with knowledge and understanding and truth.' (p. 83).
Hindu astrologers always calculate the D9 or Navamsa chart (navamsha varga) right after they calculate the radical chart - the Navamsa chart, particularly its Venus, is said to describe the marriage partner. The aspects within the Ninth Harmonic chart are the same as in sidereal zodiac astrologer Cyril Fagan's Novien chart (on the AstrolDeluxe Options menu), although the chart placements are different.
If you look at Magic's chart below, you can see that in the inner natal chart (unknown birthtime) there is a Fixed T-Square involving the Sun and Chiron with Jupiter as the T-Square focus planet (click here for an interpretation of Magic Johnson's two tight aspect patterns ). In the Ninth Harmonic middle chart, his tight natal Venus-Mars conjunction completes the Fixed Cross by opposing natal Jupiter. If you look at the most important date in his life, when he made his HIV-positive announcement, and compare the transiting planets to the Ninth Harmonic chart, a stellium of transiting Sun, Mars, and Pluto in Scorpio opposed the Ninth Harmonic Chiron, the planet of health issues, and transiting Saturn at 1 deg. Aquarius exactly conjoined the Ninth Harmonic Pluto. But the astrologer who took time to look at all the favorable transiting aspects from Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus to the composite chart with his wife Cookie could have predicted a favorable outcome.
Now let's look at the Ninth Harmonic chart for singer, dancer, and child actress Judy Garland. The natal chart has a close opposition between the Sun and Mars (ambitious energy), which is preserved in the Ninth Harmonic, but now Pluto conjoins Mars and opposes the Sun, and unlike in the natal chart, the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are now all conjunct within 1d 30m and they form the focus of a powerful T-Square pattern (from the Sun opposing Mars and Pluto). Harder to see is that Ninth Harmonic Neptune, the planet of the film industry, exactly aspects her natal Mars and Sun in 135d and 45d aspects. When filming started on The Wizard of Oz in September, 1938, transiting Neptune had reached 20d Virgo, conjoining her Ninth Harmonic Mars and aspecting all six planets of her Ninth Harmonic T-Square. Judy was ready to channel Neptune's magic in 'Over the Rainbow' and become a superstar. Garland later wrote that 'Over the Rainbow' has become part of my life. It's so symbolic of everybody's dreams and wishes that I'm sure that's why some people get tears in their eyes when they hear it. I've sung it thousands of times and it's still the song that's closest to my heart.' We need the Ninth Harmonic Chart in order to see Judy's close connection to idealistic Neptune.
It is my job as an author of Western astrology software to provide tools that empower my professional and hobbyist customers. The software should give everyone the ability to easily test the different techniques. This page shows you how to get started with harmonic charts. Although Western astrologers try to practice a more self-critical, synthesis-type of astrology, ever since the days of Alan Leo, they do also have the assurance that astrologers in India have the experience of using harmonic divisional charts on a daily basis.
Return to Halloran Astrology Software Home Page. Copyright © 2013 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, CaliforniaLast modified on September 10, 2018.
2nd Harmonic In Astrology
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Harmonic charts are commonly used for determining planetary strengths. Planets gain strength as they are located in the signs of their exaltation, own signs, or signs of friends, and lose strength in the signs of their enemies, or fall. We can examine the signs in which each planet is located in each of the harmonic charts. We judge these by the same rules of planetary friendship and enmity as used in the basic birth chart.
Harmonic charts have additional specific usages and focus on particular areas of life.
This is the same as the basic birth chart (Rashi Chakra), relative to which all the harmonic charts are judged. What is present in the birth chart may be heightened or diminished by the influence of the harmonic charts but cannot be overridden by them. The harmonic charts serve to fine tune the meanings in the birth chart but do not serve to radically change them. The birth chart always determines the field in which they operate and should be visualized behind them. The harmonic charts are thus like a series of concentric circles with the birth chart as the outside circle. The subtler harmonic charts are contained within the fields of the larger harmonics.
As indicating the Sun and Moon, the second harmonic or Hora chart shows the nature of the individual and power of the planets relative to solar and lunar, yang and yin, active and passive, male and female, individual and social, mental or emotional energies.
Masculine planets like the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are stronger in the Hora of the Sun. Those of feminine nature like the Moon, Venus and Saturn are stronger in the Hora of the Moon. Mutable Mercury is does well either way but which is better depends upon the planets whose influence it is under. Planets in the solar division tend to make the individual independent, active, energetic, assertive, willful, confident, self-reliant but in excess egoistic, selfish, harsh, unfeeling, manipulative or controlling. Planets in the lunar division tend to make the person sensitive, caring, nurturing, receptive, gentle but in excess can render them dependent, passive, unmotivated, overly emotional, sentimental or hypersensitive.
Solar division planets give more reliance on one's inner power and give initiative. Lunar division planets give more reliance on social influences, family, the past. Not enough planets in solar divisions will make an individual unable to gain recognition for what they do. Not enough in lunar divisions will create a lack of understanding and taking undeserved recognition.
The Hora chart is often given a second house influence and thought to relate to wealth. When the ruler of the second is in its appropriate Hora it gives better results for all the affairs of the second house.
Hora means hour. As each sign governs two hours of the day, that being the time it takes to cross the ascendant, each hora governs about one hour.
The harmonic third or decanate corresponds in meaning to the third house. It governs brothers, sisters, friends and alliances. It shows our capacity to work in a group or in association to achieve a particular goal. It indicates our energy, curiosity, courage, passion and prowess.
The position of the lord of the third in the birth chart should particularly be examined in the harmonic third, as well as Mars, the natural indicator of the third house.
The harmonic third is also useful for fine tuning Sun, Moon and Ascendant positions. For example, if Aquarius is the Ascendant, but Gemini the decanate, the communicative and intellectual power of Gemini will come out in the humanitarian influence of Aquarius. When an individual has many planets located in the same sign, we can often discriminate their action by their decanate positions.
The harmonic fourth like the fourth house is said traditionally to deal with general well-being in life, emotion, home and happiness. If benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus or the rulers of benefic houses are strong in this chart, then well-being is enhanced.
The positions of the Moon, Mercury and the lord of the fourth house should be examined relative to this chart and can be taken as an indication of our emotional contentment and psychological happiness.
Harmonic Vibrations In Astrology

The harmonic seventh is said to relate to children and grandchildren. Again, this is not to be taken literally. It refers to the creative projections of the individual in general, which for the majority of us relates to procreation. In this chart we see our creative capacities and the extent to which they can be concretely realized or recognized.
I also like to judge seventh house and relationship issues from this chart. The position of the lord of the seventh and the significator of the seventh, Venus for men and Jupiter for women, in this harmonic can be important.
The harmonic ninth or Navamsha is the main harmonic division and like the birth chart or harmonic first can be used for reading all the domains of life. It is said to traditionally refer to marriage and the partner. It deals with relationship in general and what we need to complement ourselves. Mainly it refers to our ability to share our inner or spiritual values in relationship. In comparing the Navamsha charts of couples we can get a better idea as to spiritual or dharmic compatibility.
The most important indications of the harmonic ninth are like that of the ninth house. It shows our dharma, our inner values, the spiritual or religious motivation we may have. It reflects more the nature of our soul and its aspirations, as the birth chart reflects more the nature of our particular incarnation and the ego. As showing the forces that move us on an inner level it is often a good index of our future life or the evolution of our soul. In this regard, it is often more reflective of who we really are and what our soul is aiming to achieve.

A strong Navamsha but a weak birth chart tends to show a strong soul choosing a difficult incarnation. A weak Navamsha but a strong birth chart tends to show a strong personality but a weak soul.
The positions of Jupiter, the lord of the ninth and the Atmakaraka or significator of the self in the Navamsha are of particular importance. All the planetary significators can be judged from this chart and are most specific to it. If a planet is strong in both the birth and the ninth chart it will give very good results. A planet in its own sign or exalted in the birth chart but in its fall in the Navamsha can be weakened.
A planet in the same sign in both the birth chart and Navamsha is regarded as strong. It is called 'vargottama', which literally means in the best subdivision. This gives it greater strength, but for good or ill.
The harmonic tenth is much like the tenth house in meaning. It should be examined along with it and the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and the lord of the tenth. It indicates power, position, achievement, status and skill. If the lord of the tenth is strong here it indicates that the individual will accomplish great actions or achieve their goals in life. It shows the impact of the individual upon the world at large and their position in it. It is important in the delineation of vocation and career. It shows our karmic impact upon life.
This is the chart of fate or destiny, of past karma. It is said traditionally to indicate the parents but it stands for past karma and conditioning generally, including hereditary factors, and shows past life influences. It is often used as an index of the last life and seen something like the birth chart of the last incarnation. It indicates what the soul brings with it into this life and what can be discovered by a deeper probing into our psyche. It often shows us the karmic reason for our particular character and destiny in life.
We can use the birth chart for the present life, the ninth for future life and the twelfth for the past life. In this way we can read the evolution of the soul. The meanings of the twelfth harmonic are much like the twelfth house, showing the past, karma, the subconscious and the more hidden layers of the mind, secret motivations, compulsions, obsessions etc. The positions of the Moon, Saturn and the lord of the twelfth are important here.
Sixteen is four times four; hence this chart traditionally refers to the affairs of the fourth house--happiness, home, property and the acquisition of vehicles. It is used like the fourth harmonic and along with it and shows the deeper wishes and desires of the soul, whereas the fourth harmonic often has a more outward value. If the fourth house lord is strong in this chart, then the affairs of the fourth house will be strengthened. This chart is also important in psychology, as relating to mental stability and emotional contentment.
This is said traditionally to be the chart of 'Upasana' or devotional meditation. It indicates the religious development of the soul and our capacity for the yoga of devotion (bhakti yoga). It often shows our religious tendencies from past lives and the religions we have associated with. It shows the Shakti, the goddess-energy, at work in our lives and thereby indicates our capacity to surrender to the Divine will. It helps indicate the form of the Divine that we are inclined to worship (ishta devata). It can also show creative and artistic capacity.
Twenty is five times four. Many of the meanings of this house are much like the fifth house and the factors pertaining to the fifth house, like Jupiter and its lord, should be examined here. It shows the joy, love and creativity of the soul.
This is said traditionally to be the chart of mental or meditational achievements, including the siddhis or psychic powers. In the higher sense this is the chart of spiritual knowledge and shows the spiritual development of the soul from past lives. It shows our capacity for and development of the yoga of knowledge (jnana yoga). It is the most important harmonic chart for ascertainment of spiritual nature and the potential for enlightenment. Strong planets here have enhanced psychic and spiritual capacities for greater perception, skill and awareness.
On a general level this chart indicates the educational career of the individual. Whether the knowledge gained will be spiritual or material depends much upon the nature of the character from the birth chart.
The position of the ninth lord, Mercury and Jupiter is important here, as well as the Atmakaraka. Between the twentieth and twenty-fourth harmonics we can understand many of the hidden secrets of our spiritual unfoldment.
This chart measures the strength or weakness of the planets relative to the twenty seven lunar constellations (nakshatra) in which they dwell. As such it is a further fine tuning of the Navamsha chart (which itself measures 1/4 of the nakshatra). This chart indicates particularly strengths and weakness of the Moon. It is also important for planetary significators.
This is the traditional chart of misfortune, injury, enmity and disease. It is an important harmonic chart for discovering the dangers we need to avoid in life. Major health difficulties or potential injuries can be seen in malefic placement of planets here.
The power of the lords of the third, sixth, eighth and eleventh houses can be gauged here. Also any planets located in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses in the birth chart should be examined here. If they are poorly placed in this chart they are much more likely to cause problems.
This chart deals with special auspicious and inauspicious effects of planets, sometimes said to be good and bad habits, particularly the proclivities of the emotional and psychological nature. As four times ten it relates to the affairs of the fourth house.
This helps fine tune all general indications, though it is often said to relate to the moral or ethical nature of the individual. As nine times five it has the fifth and ninth house indications of good or bad karma. It indicates which of the three deities, Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, the creator, preserver or destroyer that the nature of the individual most reflects.
Harmonics In Astrology Pdf Book
This is the most subtle of the harmonic charts and often used in the case of twins. It is used for the subtlest fine-tuning of planetary effects.
These charts have different degrees of importance. Most important are the harmonic ninth, third, second, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-fourth and thirtieth. The position of the Ascendant in these charts is the most specific factor but unless the birth time is highly accurate it cannot be relied upon in the subtle subdivisions. For example, an error of five minutes in the time of birth would change the Ascendant in harmonics more subtle than the twelfth. For this reason we often rely more upon the position of the Moon and the Atmakaraka in these subtle charts. These are turned into the Ascendant and houses are read from its placement.
As the distant planets move slowly all their subtle subdivisions can be accurately calculated. They are often more revealing than their sign placements in the birth chart. The positions of Jupiter and Saturn in the subtler divisions is important for indicating general fortune or misfortune.
Continue reading here: Planetary Periods Determining Planetary Influences Through Time
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